Appointment Of Contractor - AUVICREPM021

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29 Mar 2021

Form deleted and replaced by AUVICREGN008 - Appointment of Contractor.


11 Jun 2015 v1.4

Copyright statement updated.


12 Apr 2012 v1.3

Additions / Changes:

Clause 2.3

It is acknowledged that the Contractor will may be required to supply materials, plant & equipment and other items to perform the tasks as detailed in any work order instruction issued by the Agent, unless otherwise instructed in the work order.


02 Apr 2012 v1.2

Additions / Changes:

Item 1

Name/s: ……………………....………………………………..……………………………………………………….

Address: …………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………….

ABN:……………….…… Phone:…………………… Fax: ……………………… Mobile: ……………………….

Contact: ……………………………………………………………………..… Licence No.: ..…….…………....…

Email:  …………………………………………………..……………………………..   GST Registered: Yes / No

Acting Agent for …………………………………………………..…………………………..……(Property Owner)

Item 2

Company Name:  …………………………….......…………………………………………………………………...

Trading Name:     ………………………………………………………...……..……… ABN:……………………… Address:  ………………………………….................................….....……….............…………………………

Contractor Name:  ………………..........………………………………………..…………………………………….

Licence / Card Number/s: (insert licence details relevant to the Contractor’s industry)

(1) Issued By: ……….……………………… Number: ………………………….  Expiry Date: ……/……/……  

(2) Issued By: ……….……………………… Number: ………………………….  Expiry Date: ……/……/……  

Phone:…………………………             Fax:…………………………                 Mobile………………………


Contracted Services for: …………………….....……………………………………………………………………...

  (Eg plumber, electrician, cleaner etc)

Clause 1


The Agent appoints the Contractor (detailed in Item 2) to perform the services, as listed detailed in Item (2) to various properties managed by the Agent, but only when authorised in writing by the Agent. The Contractor confirms the information in this Appointment is true and correct.


The Contractor accepts this Appointment and confirms the information in this Appointment is true and correct.


The services are to be carried out on properties as designated by the Agent from time to time.

Clause 2.1(1)

produce a written quotation for the cost of carrying out the services/works.

Clause 2.1(4)

ensure work is to all statutory standards and to carry out work to the standard expected from a qualified tradesperson. and in accordance with all statutory standards.

Clause 2.1(6)

ensure variations to the authorised services/work are in writing and signed by both parties.

Clause 2.2

The Contractor has the right to engage other entities or use employees to perform the tasks as detailed in any work order instructions issued by the Agent.

Clause 2.3

It is acknowledged that the Contractor may be required to supply materials, plant & equipment and other items to perform the tasks as detailed in any work order instruction issued by the Agent.

Clause 3.1

The Contractor agrees to pay for and supply all materials needed to complete the authorised services/works and provide an itemised tax invoice, or similar, for the services/works when completed, or as otherwise agreed, by to the Agent. The Lessor shall be responsible for all payments and/or reimbursements to be made to the Contractor.

Clause 6

The Contractor warrants all services/works will be carried out in a proper and workman-like manner within a reasonable time and any defects or incomplete work will be promptly rectified without cost to the Agent or Property Owner.

Clause 9

By signing this Appointment all parties agree to having given prior approval, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000, for electronic transmission of this Appointment and any other related documents, for signing purposes or otherwise, as far as such means of communication have been indicated in this document (ie. Facsimile numbers & email addresses).

The parties agree and confirm this document may be forwarded electronically to a person if that person has provided an email address or facsimile number in the Item Schedule to this Appointment.


18 Feb 2010 v1.1

Additions / Changes:

Clause 3.2

The Contractor confirms the Agent does is not contracted as Principal, but as the Agent of the Lessor and is not liable to pay the Contractor, except as Agent of the Lessor.

Clause 6

The Contractor warrants all work will be carried out in a proper and workman-like manner within a reasonable time and any defects or incomplete work will be promptly rectified without cost to the Agent or Property Owner.

Clause 9

By signing this Appointment all parties agree to having given prior approval, in accordance with the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000, for electronic transmission of this Appointment and any other related documents, for signing purposes or otherwise, as far as such means of communication have been indicated in this document (ie. Facsimile numbers & email addresses).